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Self-Perception, Art-Based Research, A/R/Tography, Art EducationAbstract
Self-perception can be defined as how individuals perceive, what they are, how they should be, and how their thoughts are analyzed and evaluated. This research aims the put forth the students’ perceptions that related with theirself which they have been formed until that age by means of artistic expression tools. The research is important for the student to recognize, analyze and transform his / her assessment into an artistic form. It was carried out with the undergraduate 3rd year students of Anadolu University Faculty of Education Fine Arts Education Department in the spring semester of the 2014-2015 academic year and it covers a three week course period between 09.03.2015 / 28.03.2015. The method is structured according to A/r/tography which also covers the dimension of artist, researcher and educator, which is an art-based research form within the scope of qualitative research. Art-based research is an approach used to evaluate, interpret, and analyze educational situations and students' artistic work. Student data forms, open-ended questions and student products were used as data collection tools. The data obtained in the research were analyzed by descriptive analysis method.
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