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Puppet, expression, contemporary, theater


Puppet theater is a kind of presentation in which conventionally puppets represent fictional characters therefore they replace actors on stage. Even though a conventional staging incapsulates puppets standing for a specific character is continuing; 20th century provided a transformation in staging. The alteration of all art disciplines together with Avant-garde movements, technological advancements and evolution of communication provide a base for this transformation. Hence both companies experienced a variety of experimental practice and interdisciplinary practices occurred that led by different performing arts. This paper, reveal puppetry’s place in contemporary performing arts as a form of expression.

Key words: Puppet, expression, contemporary, theater


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How to Cite

ERSAN, I. (2019). PUPPET AS A FORM OF EXPRESSION IN CONTEMPORARY PERFORMING ARTS. JOURNAL OF ARTS, 2(2), 113–128. https://doi.org/10.31566/arts.2.008



Research Article