Sanat Siyaset Adorno Politik İmgeAbstract
The relationship between art and politics has existed in almost every period of human history. The rate of this interaction has varied according to the socio-economic, political and cultural factors in the societies. Particularly in periods when societies have undergone change and transformation and politics has been felt to a significant extent, artists have been more influenced by these processes and have given wide coverage more political images and traces to their work. This effect has changed the purpose and expectations of art sometimes, and sometimes it has inspired significant transformations in structure of art by growing stronger. As art transformed by the influences of politics, it has also become one of the political actors in active periods, and has become one of the elements shaping the society. This mutual interaction makes possible to observe the political influences on a significant part of the artworks reached so far. In this respect, the artist also makes a testimony to his period with his original and aesthetic expression.
In this article, which examines the relationship between art and politics, different approaches of philosophers have become important arguments of study. The ideational part of the text is based on modernist approaches, Marxist understanding and Adorno philosophy. In addition to this, the artworks in the art history were examined and political elements were analyzed.
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