From analog to digital: Changing reading mechanics in the process of transferring typography to the screen

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Typography, Digital Typography, Readability, Web Typography, Reading Mechanism


This article focuses on the historical development and technological transformation of typography. The research examines the effects of typography on reading mechanics in the transition from the analog age to the digital age, and examines its development in detail from the beginning of writing to today's digital screen reading habits. Revolutionary developments, especially starting with Gutenberg's invention of the printing press, made writing portable and enabled the spread of written culture. With digitalization, the adaptation of fonts to screens has led to significant changes in readability and typographic design. The author discusses the physical and psychological effects of digital screen reading mechanics on readers, emphasizing technological factors on eye movements, reading speeds and perceptual processes. The study also touches on screen size, resolution and adaptation of fonts to digital platforms. The article compares the differences between both traditional and digital reading mechanics and makes important observations about the future of typography in the digital age.


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How to Cite

Yıldırım, B., & Metin, A. C. (2025). From analog to digital: Changing reading mechanics in the process of transferring typography to the screen. JOURNAL OF ARTS, 8(1), e2658.



Research Article