The American Dream and Kitsch: Idealized lifestyles in graphic design

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Kitsch Aesthetics, American Dream, Consumer Culture, Graphic Design


This paper examines the relationship between the American Dream and kitsch aesthetics within the context of graphic design. Kitsch emerges as a form of expression in popular culture and consumer society, characterized by its aesthetically simple, accessible, and attention-grabbing visual language. The American Dream, on the other hand, is a concept built upon ideals of individual success, material prosperity, and social advancement. This study aims to analyze how the American Dream, when combined with kitsch aesthetics in graphic design, has shaped idealized lifestyles and influenced consumer culture.

In this context, the study explores the historical and aesthetic foundations of the concept of kitsch, detailing the development of kitsch design in parallel with the rise of consumer culture in 20th-century America. Furthermore, it examines the visual representations of the American Dream through 1950s American advertising imagery and the works of prominent artists such as Norman Rockwell. Through a literature review and analysis of selected works, this study reveals how the idealization of the American Dream merges with kitsch aesthetics to create a popular communication language, contributing to consumer culture. The study discusses how graphic design functions as a medium of expression at this intersection and evaluates the social and aesthetic dynamics of kitsch.


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How to Cite

Turgut, Özge. (2025). The American Dream and Kitsch: Idealized lifestyles in graphic design. JOURNAL OF ARTS, 8(1), e2657.



Research Article