Information design in the developing world

Information Design, Communication Design, Information BombardmentAbstract
Information, as one of the most important contributions of man to the world, has increased its scope in parallel with the development of civilization. Information, which was previously only available to the elite, has reached a point where everyone can access it at any time, first with the industrial revolution and then with the development of communication and information technologies. However, despite all these positive developments, due to the information bombardment experienced in communication channels, correct and incorrect content are placed side by side, causing confusion. To cope with this problem, information design transforms content that it is sure of its accuracy into designs that the reader can easily understand. It aims for a communication design that does not deviate from objectivity and accuracy while going from data to designed product. To this end, it collects all the data it can find with a scientific perspective and visualizes it for people to understand after reaching the truth. Information design has tried to solve the problems of the developing world even when it was not yet called a design discipline. It will continue to solve them in the future.
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İnternet Kaynakları
URL 1: Bilgi Yeni Petroldür (Data is the New Oil)
URL 2: Bilgi Yeni Vatandır (Data is the New Soil)
URL 3: Covid-19 Komplo Teorileri
URL 4: IIID Definitions
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