A study on eclecticism in Alexandre Tansman’s guitar music; Example of variations on Scriabin’s theme

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Tansman, Guitar Music, Neoclassic, Scriabin, Variation


Alexandre Tansman’s guitar music dominated by various musical styles with a multiple angles of the instrument’s
repertoire that has developed over centuries. Examining these features theoretically as well as pratically is an essential tool for creating deep expressions for players. İn this article, the layered language of the guitar music will be
discussed structurally and the composer’s apporoach to guitar music writing will be investigated.


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Elektronik Kaynaklar

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How to Cite

Birgül, H., & Böllü, O. (2024). A study on eclecticism in Alexandre Tansman’s guitar music; Example of variations on Scriabin’s theme. JOURNAL OF ARTS, 7(3), 125–133. https://doi.org/10.31566/arts.2406



Research Article