Architectural reflections in western painting

Art, Painting, Architecture, Landscape, CityAbstract
The interaction between Painting and Architecture is a multifaceted concept that dates back centuries and maintains its importance. Paintings containing representations of architectural elements in Western Painting from the Renaissance to the present day, and the ways in which their artists handled these architectural forms, are discussed chronologically in this article. The depictions of architectural forms in paintings, which have been observed to have transformed into a language of symbolism with various meanings from rationality to spirituality, from ancient times to today’s art, have been examined with approaches ranging from formalism to universal archetypes. Examples from the works of painters such as Raphaello Sanzio, Il Canaletto, Hubert Robert, Claude Monet, Giorgio de Chirico, Ludwig Meidner, Iain Macnab, David Hockney were discussed. Literature scanning and work review methods were used in the article.
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Resim 1: Anonim, House of Vettii – Punishment of Ixion bölümü, Pompeii, İtalya, MS 79'dan önce, Fresk, (Erişim tarihi: 08.02.2024).
Resim 2: Raphael Sanzio, “Meryem Ana'nın Düğünü”, 1504. Oil on panel, 170×117 cm. Milan: Pinacoteca di Brera (Erişim tarihi: 05.02.2024).
Resim 3: Central Italian painter, “The Ideal City”, 1480 - 1490. Oil on panel, 67.7 x 239.4 cm. Urbino: National Gallery of the Marches (Erişim tarihi: 05.02.2024).
Resim 4 : Il Canaletto, “St Paul Katedrali”, 1754, 52,1x61,6 cm, Yale Üniversitesi (Erişim tarihi: 06.02.2024).
Resim 5: Hubert Robert, “Nimes’te Diane Tapınağı”, 1793, 242x242cm, Paris Louvre Müzesi,_Louvre%29.jpeg (Erişim tarihi: 06.02.2024).
Resim 6: Claude Monet, “The Doge’s palace” , 1908. (Erişim tarihi: 07.02.2024).
Resim 7: Claude Monet, “Rouen Katedrali”, Batı Cephesi, Güneş Işığı , 1894, tuval üzerine yağlıboya, Chester Dale Koleksiyonu, 1963.10.179 (Erişim tarihi: 06.02.2024).
Resim 8: Giorgio de Chirico, “Sokağın Gizemi ve Melankolisi”, 1914, Paris, Fransa, tuval üzerine yağlıboya, Özel koleksiyon 85x69 cm (Erişim tarihi: 07.02.2024).
Resim 9: Ludwig, “Köşe Ev” (Villa Kochmann, Dresden) 1913 Panel üzerine monte edilmiş tuval üzerine yağlıboya. 97,2x78 cm Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid (Erişim tarihi: 07.02.2024).
Resim 10: Iain Macnab, “Arka Bahçeler, Lizbon” Ağaç Gravür, 15.5x21.9 cm, 1959, (Erişim tarihi: 08.02.2024).
Resim 11: David Hockney “Daha Büyük Bir Sıçrama”, 1967 Tate (Erişim tarihi: 08.02.2024).
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