Social construction in video games through Franz Oppenheimer’s state theory

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Social Construction, State Theory, Video Game, Digital Game, Oppenheimer


Video games, which have been preferred as a common entertainment tool throughout history, have become digitalized with the development of technology and the use of the internet has become widespread. Nowadays, as it
becomes easier to reach online video games, video games have gained a universal structure. Video game player
groups can exchange ideas both with the game itself as a product and between individuals belonging to different
societies. As a result of this, as the consumer range of video games diversifies, there is an enrichment of the communication resource between the game and the user in terms of subject and processing. The ability of video games to appeal to various classes and audiences makes it possible to find traces of social structuring within the content presented. In this study, the development of the concept of game and the importance of video games today will be discussed, and the place and universal structure of such games in society will be examined. Afterwards, Franz
Oppenheimer’s theory of the State will be discussed and the subject of social structuring will be emphasized. In
the light of the data obtained, the analysis of the presentation of social structuring under the influence of the State theory in “Detroit: Become Human”, will be carried out. Within the scope of the research, it is aimed to encounter the traces of the social structuring related to the State theory through the sample given. Furthermore, archiving the data of the player’s choices during the game provides concrete data for the player’s perspective. Therefore, this research is important not only for the content analysis, but also for the analysis of the preferences of the individual in his own social structure. According to the results of the content analysis carried out in terms of social structure, it has been understood that one of the determining elements of the game content is the struggle of the proletariat against the ruling class, through the story flow of the character of Marcus. In addition to the content, it has been determined that providing the player with the opportunity to choose with the interactive gameplay feature instills thinking and decision-making towards the theory of “State” and social structure.


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How to Cite

Çalık, E. Y. (2023). Social construction in video games through Franz Oppenheimer’s state theory. JOURNAL OF ARTS, 6(1), 65–73.



Research Article