Examination of micro art in Turkey from a visual communication design perspective

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Visual Communication, Design, Micro Art, Hasan Kale, Drawing


In this study, the existence and development of Mikro Art in Turkey was examined in terms of transfer of meaning and visual indicators in the context of visual communication design with the sample of Micro Art artist Hasan Kale’s works. The drawings and designs discussed in the study; The design and drawings are handled on the basis of four criteria that constitute legibility, perceptibility, formal expression and transfer of meaning. In addition, during the analysis of the studies, basic design principles, Gestalt theory and Roland Barthes’ indicators were analyzed based on the analysis method focused on meaning


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How to Cite

Apaydın, S. (2023). Examination of micro art in Turkey from a visual communication design perspective. JOURNAL OF ARTS, 6(1), 25–33. https://doi.org/10.31566/arts.1970



Research Article