A Study on Şerif Gören and his cinema as an auteur director within the scope of contemporary auteurs

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Auteur, cinema, contemporary, arabesque, counter


The sociological and political developments that emerged in the 1960s led to the emergence and rise of the Social Realism Movement. The spread of politics into daily life and popular culture paved the way for the formation of political films in the cinema industry. Influenced by the Auteur Theory in Turkish Cinema and making films within the scope of the Social Realism Movement, Director Şerif Gören has started to make films with arabesque content in line with the demands of popular culture and the public. In this context, Gören, while shooting films with arabesque content, which includes social structure and political elements, depending on the will of the cinema industry and the public, included both social problems and subjects that serve the commercial purpose of cinema in these films. In this study, it is evaluated that Gören’s Auteuristic narration and his departure from the Auteur movement over time, and that he started to shoot films in different styles, and it is aimed to examine his four films with arabesque content and aimed at the box office.


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How to Cite

Çalayır, S. (2022). A Study on Şerif Gören and his cinema as an auteur director within the scope of contemporary auteurs. JOURNAL OF ARTS, 5(3), 177–185. https://doi.org/10.31566/arts.5.3.04



Research Article