Analysis of Bayati plectrum tanbur taqsim of Ercument Batanay
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Turkish music, tanbur, Ercüment Batanay, Taqsim, AnalysisAbstract
Master tanbur performers, who have made the greatest contribution to the modernization of Turkish music tanbur performance with its changing dynamics, have left an important musical legacy both in their own time and in the following periods with their performances. Generations through performance records. Today, it is possible to reveal many details about the performance dimension of the drum by approaching these performances from a scientific point of view and making analyzes about their technical content. In this study, which aims to reveal the characteristics of Ercüment Batanay’s tanbûr with a plectrum, in line with the analysis of the Bayâtî taksim that he has performed, the methods of literature review and content analysis have been used. In the study, the findings related to the ornament techniques Batanay used, the use of the plectrum, the expression elements he used and the functioning of the maqam were obtained. In line with the findings, it was concluded that the style adopted by Batanay in the performance of the tanbûr is more close to the traditional tanbûr performance.
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