The effect of puppets as a communication tool for children

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Puppet, Communication, Education, Child


Each and every type of art has a significant role in child development. Although puppetry and puppet theatre appeal to both children and adults, it has power to make a deeper impact during early childhood. Beyond being aesthetic and fun theme, puppet is a resultful alternative compared to conventional education and training. Through early childhood periods of young children one of the educational practices that enables positive social development is supplied by the utility of puppets for this purpose. Despite conventional education’s one-way communication, puppets offer learning by sensuous experience. This study aims to remark that puppets can be utilized as a tool to communicate with children as well as to improve children’s communication skills. The symbolic but not verbal language that originated from representation power of puppet enables another type of communication. Nonetheless it is emphasized that puppets’ potential to improve movement, coordination, sensory and social skills besides the language skills. Accordingly, it is aimed narrate the theoretical framework upon relevant literature review on puppet theatre, relation of children and theatre as well as play and communication also investigation of application examples.


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How to Cite

Ersan Öztürk, I. (2022). The effect of puppets as a communication tool for children. JOURNAL OF ARTS, 5(1), 27–34.



Research Article