The myth of Lilith in art

myth, goddess, lilith, art, paintingAbstract
Lilith, who is a strong and fearful female spirit and Storm Goddess in the ancient mythology of Babylon, and also featured in Jewish mythology, leaves Mesopotamia as a malevolent character that evolves from a mother goddess to a demonic goddess with her revered features. The fact that people establish relationships from their own lives is an important detail in the formation of mythological stories. Different myth characters in different cultures are essentially characters related to the roles their societies envisage for men and women. Therefore, in the context of changes and transformations in the perception of women in the process of social change, various interpretations and different impressions of Lilith have been created in art. In today's art, it has found its expression with metaphors and as a symbol of rebellion, the Myth of Lilith still keeps up to date. In contemporary art, a different content has been tried to be captured through examples that are especially critical in the way the subject is handled. The aim of this study is to shed light on the Lilith Myth in art by examining how different artists handle the Lilith character in different time periods, especially in the context of a critical view in the contemporary art process.
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