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Belonging, Non-Belonging,, Spatial Art, Interior, ExteriorAbstract
The sense of belonging, which means the individual's relationship with the place and the society he/she lives in, is a basic need. An individual who cannot fulfill the need of belonging is isolated from the society by experiencing the lack of feeling of belonging through effects such as exclusion and alienation. The lack of feeling of belonging creates base for the perception of belonging as a problem. For this reason, these two concepts are considered interrelated. The concept of belonging has been among the main issues of disciplines such as sociology, psychology, and philosophy; it has also been the subject of art in certain periods. Since the state of belonging or non-belonging is related to the spaces, the researches on the field of art were limited to the works that prioritize the concept of space, and the selected works were examined within the scope of space-specific art. The works examined within the scope of space-specific art have the characteristic of being for and about the place. This feature caused the works to be produced in spaces that are defined as daily living spaces such as houses and streets, apart from gallery spaces. The fact that the works are produced in living spaces or placed in areas defined as public spaces show that the works have gained ground for themselves. This situation is identical with the individual's effort to gain a place. The artists who produce the selected works are from different countries and have different nationalities. The fact that various artists from different countries dealt with it shows that the issue is a basic need that concerns each individual. All selected works are related to the concept of home. While some artists question the relationship of belonging through the house they live in, some artists have put forward the issue in line with the issue of immigration. The issue of belonging is often seen as an immigration issue. In the study, the concept is explained as an existential need of the individual and it has been discussed how the works produced on the subject are shaped in indoor and exterior forms.
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