Proclaimed by the General Staff in 2000 Sculpture Contest 'organizations dealing with the history of the Republic of Turkey is intended to achieve a sculptural composition. The jury selected Rahmi Aksungur's project from the proposals. Implementation of the project has gained nearly two years and was carried out at a time close to the title of being the largest sculpture project of Turkey Republic. Since it has the feature of being the biggest sculpture project implemented in our country, it highlights the importance of the subject. A work analysis of the sculpture project was conducted with the contribution of in-depth interviews with the project owner and the people involved in the implementation. In addition, the project was compared to other similar projects in the world. As a result of this study, it is revealed that the sculpture project a Republican History Arrangement es in terms of originality and content is the first in terms of world sculpture history. In addition is, the project was criticized in parallel to the concept of monument. With this research, it is aimed to shed light on similar projects to be implemented in terms of the construction, implementation, content, minus and plus poles of the project.
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