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Child, Picture Book, Illustration, Collage, TradigitalAbstract
In order for the child, who is exposed to many uncontrolled images today to be drawn to the area where there is quality learning, it is necessary to rearrange the visual confusion and point out the quality images. Children's texts with many different types of visuals; tales, stories, fantastic texts that nurture the imagination, illustrated narratives with language games, poems and songs.
In order to create a bridge between children and books and to give narrative skills, picture books are important tools that undertake the task of mental and visual communication in children's literature. With these books, information can be transmitted to the child as a combination of verbal and visual codes. For this reason, in the picture books that undertake the task of building the children's world, the image and text should interact and contain formats suitable for the function of the text.
The book illustrations of the new era contain many digital indicators. These visuals that the child can make use of in pedagogical sense should correspond to the child's cognitive development and be appropriate to the level of visual perception.
The digital methods used in today's picture books are becoming increasingly popular for the illustrator in terms of ease of use and comfort. With these methods, where traditional and contemporary techniques are hybridized, he draws and enjoys the opportunity to work in series.
Collage illustration is preferred by many children's book illustrators in terms of giving naive expression opportunities. Nowadays, collage illustration is created with “tradigital” techniques that blend traditional and digital techniques.
The purpose of this study; To evaluate the effect of picture books, which is one of the growth materials of the child, on the world of children and under which conditions digital software came together with traditional illustration techniques from the past through collage illustration applications.
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