Violin Training, Classical Western Music, MusicAbstract
The fact that music art is one of the best ways of expressing people's feelings and thoughts with a universal language and social principles and values means acceptance, confirmation and eternity of being a common and universal language. The ability of music to express people more easily and its integrative effect has been each region to have a different musical culture. For our country, this indicates the richness of the local motif and diversity in which culture is reflected. According to the fact that violin for Western music is not sufficiently performed in terms of Turkish Music, this study is to investigate and summarize the relations between this music and Western music and Turkish Art Music and its deficiencies in these relations. Our study examines the issues of creating the necessary conditions and materials for the use of “instrument and lyric” in the process of classical Western Music violin education, and making Clasical Western Music available in the initial violin education. Since many studies are needed in the field of this study, we hope and believe that it will set an example and lead others.
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