Animation, Cinema, Comic Books, Intertextuality, Intersemiotic, TranstextualityAbstract
The desire of the person to express himself with the image has undergone many changes from the cave walls to the present day and many of these changes have been accompanied by technology. Change also caused interdisciplinary interaction. This interaction occurred between social and technological as well as art branches. The relationship of cinema with other art branches has been evaluated many times in terms of form and content. The comic book adaptation “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse”, which was released in 2018, stands out with its unique visuality among mainstream feature animation films. References to the narrative language of Comic Book constitute the basic visual aesthetics of the film. These references are included in the film by the techniques used due to the nature of the printed material, the printing errors caused by the printing machines or the adaptation of visual methods such as reflection sounds, motion line lines developed as part of its original expression. This study evaluated the visual expression of the animated cinema, which was able to blend the technical method of many different visual art disciplines in itself, and its usage in the film in the context of Genette's Transtextuality types.
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