Attitudes of healthcare professionals toward individuals with substance use disorders

Özet Görüntüleme: 58 / PDF İndirme: 23



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Substance Addiction- Health Worker- Awareness- Behaviour- Violence


Introduction and Objectives: This research project aims to gain insight into the attitudes of health professionals towards individuals with substance use disorders, and to examine the impact of these attitudes on various aspects of healthcare, including treatment processes, the physician-patient relationship, and social interactions.

Materials and Methods: The scientific research on the awareness of health personnel towards substance addicts included medical professionals such as doctors, pharmacists, nurses, midwives and medical secretaries, as well as other similar health personnel. A total of 69 health personnel participated in the research. The questionnaire comprised demographic questions, questions about their professional behaviours and their thoughts about substance addicts in their social lives.

Findings: The many of participants (73.9%) were doctors, while a smaller proportion were pharmacists (5.8%), nurses (5.8%), pharmacist journeymen (5.8%), medical secretaries (4.3%), and individuals from other occupational groups (4.3%). A total of 27.9% of the participants were between the ages of 35 and 44, while 25% were between the ages of 45 and 54. Three individuals reported encountering substance addicts on a daily basis within the workplace. Seven individuals indicated that they had been subjected to violence by individuals with substance use disorders. Twenty health care personnel reported that they had been forced to procure drugs illegally. Among those who were subjected to violence, 10.1% experienced verbal violence, while 6% experienced physical violence. Additionally, 42% of respondents perceived the applicability of preventive measures against substance addiction in society to be low.

Conclusion: Substance addiction can be defined as a life-threatening condition that needs to be treated. Increasing the level of education and awareness of health personnel in substance addiction should be considered to have a positive effect on the addicts who receive and want to receive treatment.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Duvar, T. (2024). Attitudes of healthcare professionals toward individuals with substance use disorders. JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 9(Özel 2), 87–95.



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