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https://doi.org/10.26809/joa.5.013Anahtar Kelimeler:
Industry 4.0- The Fourth Industrial Revolution- Education- Lifelong LearningÖzet
Industry 4.0 is the concept that has been on the agenda for nearly a decade; but other than those closely involved in the issue, it is a little-known concept yet. Industry 4.0, which expresses the Fourth Industrial Revolution, promises to make production with smart factories and digital Technologies with almost no need for labor. Nowadays, when the technology develops quite fast, people's daily life styles change. In occupational groups where technology use is intense, there are differentiations in the way people express their feelings not only in business or academic life but also in private life.
In order to capture Industry 4.0, it is necessary to design, develop and produce technology in every field. However, in addition to production, it is important to train qualified labor force who can use this new technology. Taking into account that daily ordinary work will be undertaken by artificial intelligence initially, it is better to understand that education is not limited to school for individuals who want to continue to play a role in economic life, and the importance of continuing to learn in different fields for individuals who continue to study. Exactly at this point, the education sector appears as an area that needs to be studied in detail under Industry 4.0. Within the scope of Industry 4.0, which is also very important besides the knowledge, an education policy which gives importance to creative thought and which is based on lifelong learning should be designed. In this study, it is aimed to discuss the effects and consequences of Industry 4.0 in the education sector. Fictional analysis and case study were used as the method of study.
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