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Spatial Plan, Green Area, Recreational Area, Recreactive AreaAbstract
It is necessary to plan the spatial adequacy, facilities, quality and distribution of green spaces within the city in ecological integrity, taking into consideration the principles of urbanism and the public interest. Within this scope, there are laws and regulations that are in force and must be complied with in the current zoning legislation. Authorized institutions are obliged to comply with these legal regulations in spatial planning. However, in some cases; there is some confusion in the implementation process and the definitions in the regulations are not taken into account clearly. From this point of view, the concepts of “recreactive area” and “recreational area” which are often confused with each other were examined through comparative examples and spatial plans are evaluated within the framework of construction regulations. The aim of this paper is to raise awareness of the relevant public institutions about the differences between the recreational area and the recreactive area, especially when making plans on the scale of the master and development plan. As a result of the study, it is seen that the concept of “recreational area” and “recreactive area” have different meanings in terms of the current legal framework. In the “recreational areas”, it is possible to construct under certain conditions, which may be the subject of private ownership, whereas in the “recreactive areas” which are a concept of coastal use, construction is not allowed. Finally, in order not to cause any contention of administrative jurisdiction, it is necessary to pay attention to this issue in the spatial planning process.
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