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Cultural heritage, Protection awareness, Awareness, TÖMER students, Turkey.Abstract
Turkey; with its history, diversity of the cultural heritage, and its density is one of the most dominant countries. Features such as strategic location, cultural diversity and tourism, helped Turkey to become an important center for tourists in past years. Concurrently, Turkish universities have reached an important position in the education of foreign students. These universities have established turkish learning center TÖMER for foreign students. Learning a foreign language does not involves only the acquisition of the language itself, but also of culture.
The Purpose of our research; research and evaluate the interest of foreign students in cultural heritage at the level of the the city and in the country. Example of students trained by tömer at Eskisehir Anadolu University
This center contributed to the promotion of cultural heritage to foreign students, the questionnaire, which includes questions about how this center contributed in the promotion of cultural heritage to foreign students, the questionnaire was applied to the sample group of students and the results of the survey were analysed in SPSS statistical program. In addition, the frequency distributions were obtained and interpreted. During the evaluation of the results, several suggestions have been made with the idea that the student from every country is a cultural fever.
Keywords: Cultural heritage, Protection awareness, Awareness, TÖMER students, Turkey.
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