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Cities are defined as the place where they live on a certain community, but also reflect the perceptual accumulation of a settled culture consisted as a result of the historical process of societies and however social reality. In the formation of urban images, many factors such as historical process, geographical structure, socio-economic and cultural development exist together. All the material and spiritual values that existed from the past to the present form the basis of the image and gain a spatial dimension together with the existence of the body. As for identity, it experiences the experience of a new situation in each of describing itself in circulation at these spaces.
Through the influence of the geography lived in it, the ways which individuals perceive the outside world, the cultural values they produce are the determining factors on all kinds of social actions. Until today, the concept of image which goes on through more personal objects proceeds as artistic approaches and attitudes in the context of image production in the city. In the cities, wall paintings, ceramic works and similar artistic approaches in public spaces present the interaction of the city with its geography and all the values it contains.
Within the context of the study, the perception of the urban image and the artistic works that emerged as a result of this situation were examined. In today's world where artists are looking for different places and exhibition styles, art works gain a whole new dimension. Consequently, in the new world, which is in a continuous movement, the urban images are transformed into artistic expression forms in the public space by taking artists under their influence. It is thought that the related expression form is approximated one step closer to the audience in the public sphere and contributes to the perception of society.
Keywords: City, Image, Identity, Plastic Arts, Ceramics
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Görsel Kaynaklar
Görsel 1: Banksy, Erişim: 18/12/ 2018
Görsel 2: Add Fuel, Erişim: 20/12/2018
Görsel 3: Mac Donald, Rory, Ceramics, Art and Perception, 2012, No: 90
Görsel 4: Joan Miro, Erişim: 28/12/2018
Görsel 5: Yves Bosquet, L’art à Bruxelles passe aussi par le métro
Görsel 6: Stockmans Piet, L’art à Bruxelles passe aussi par le métro
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