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The environment is generally meant to be the environment and conditions in which living beings live. In general, the environment is composed of living and non-living beings. The living beings of the environment are human, animal, plant and microorganisms; Their lifeless assets are elements such as air, water, soil, temperature, heat, humidity and light. Environmental problems can be stated as the effects of the environment created by people on the natural environment and negativity in the artificial environment. In this context, when we look at the causes of human-induced environmental problems, it is seen that the human-centered nature understanding, industrialization, urbanization, population growth, tourism, and new consumer habits are the products of the consumer society after the industrial revolution. Until the industrial revolution, people lived in harmony with the environment and in a way that was in harmony with the environment. For this reason, the environmental problems that arose before the Industrial Revolution could be solved by themselves without causing problems for the humanity. The medieval world view of the Middle Ages before the Philosophy of Enlightenment was based on reason and faith, and the purpose of the knowledge was to explain natural phenomena. The organic worldview has been shaped in the context of an understanding of human being as part of nature. However, the organic world view was replaced by the mechanical world view in the 17th century. The roots of this understanding can be traced back to Bacon, Descartes, Newton and Galileo. The methods developed by these thinkers are called Scientific Revolution. The Scientific Revolution has turned nature away from the sacredness of the organic vision and transformed nature into a machine, making nature open to human exploitation and exploitation. Developments that threaten human life and cause deterioration of natural balance have started with Enlightenment Philosophy. With the Philosophy of Enlightenment which adopted the principle of dominating nature instead of harmony with nature, humanity tried to dominate nature in a scientific way. Fukuyama states this in the following way: His superior position gives him the right to dominate nature, to exploit him and to orient him for his own purposes. Modern natural science made it possible. What is meant by modern science is the Scientific Revolution, based on the rational understanding of Enlightenment. In the end, instead of living in harmony with nature, man has transformed the relation between nature and nature. Human beings see nature as a gift presented to him, and he has the right to use nature for his own interests. This new paradigm, which includes scientists like Bacon, Descartes and Newton, is the basis of the perspective that leads to a change in human perception of the environment and makes human beings the focus of environmental problems. The result is human; it has become exploit consumer etic that exploits nature, consumes natural resources and destroys the environment. With the Philosophy of Enlightenment, scientifically superiority to human beings has achieved technological superiority with the Industrial Revolution. The human being achieving the highest level of technological progress has been built to a social structure in which this success cannot be determined in determining the human-nature relationship, driven by consumption, and everything is plundered. Studies have shown that; Nowadays people consume fossil fuels that correspond to about one million years each year according to previous revolutions in the industrial revolution. Carbon dioxide emitted to the atmosphere with the burning of fossil fuels causes climate change while the most important greenhouse gases that are effective in the warming of the earth are also in need. The share of carbon dioxide in global warming is 53.2%, the share of CFCs is 21.4%, the share of methane is 17.3%, the share of nitrogen oxide is 8.1%. In the studies conducted, China is the country that produces the most greenhouse gases with 30% and 15% USA. Only the gas emissions of these two countries are enough for the world to warm up. The temperature of the earth will continue to increase because of such a large amount of release of these gases. Because carbon dioxide in nature 50-200 years, methane gas 10 years, CFCs 150-650 years, nitrogen oxides 150- 170 years remain. Therefore, the environmental problems that arose after the Industrial Revolution and increased day by day have reached dangerous dimensions. Due to such reasons, the environment is one of the subjects that human beings are most interested in. Since the environment becomes problematic, it does not reduce the effect of the interest and continues to be updated. The imperatives are to take care of the environment beyond the temporary interest. Environmental problems have been moved from micro to macro. Global warming is not only mankind, like the damage of the atmosphere, but also dangerous dimensions that will destroy all living species and world life. With the Enlightenment Philosophy, human beings, who have been technically superior to nature by the Industrial Revolution, have been continuing their activities to destroy the nature and cause environmental problems. Human being destroying the environment and making the environment uninhabitable can prevent environmental problems by being conscious. In order to prevent environmental problems and to eliminate the environmental problems, there is no way to get people out of this way. The environment is a human right, but most people are not aware of the fulfillment of this right. Human beings are faced with a dead end and a great danger to environmental problems. What will save him from this predicament is his awareness and awareness of the events through education. What is the best way to be aware, to behave responsibly and to avoid harmful behavior is to create awareness through education. This study is carried out in order to raise environmental awareness, prevent the emergence of new environmental problems and raise awareness with people in order to act responsibly.
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