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Visual literacy, Turkish education, reading.Abstract
Improving visual literacy skill will also help individual to comprehend his/her environment well. The purpose of the research; is to make a trial on the method on using and benefiting visual activities of the seventh grade students. In the evaluation of visual literacy skills of the group, where visual literacy skills activities are performed, how is the interpretation and interpretation of visual literacy skills? Activities for secondary school seventh grade Turkish courses were established for the research. Following the implementation of these activities, the activities of the students were evaluated by three experts.The results of the qualitative research were examined. The method of research is document analysis. A total of twenty-two students from a secondary school in Çanakkale. Nine of the female and thirteen students are male. The researcher evaluated the activities with two experts. Questions have been created to determine the status of students in visual literacy skills in their activities. Activities were evaluated and students' studies were evaluated. While making these determinations, another education expert and a language specialist were assisted. The data obtained were interpreted and recommendations were presented.
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