Ottoman Traces Disappearing In Prizren: Şaip Sipahi Mansion
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Ottoman Historical Mansions, Prizren, Şaip Sipahi Mansion, Ottoman Art, ArchitectureAbstract
Prizren, one of Kosovo's religious cultural political and economic important cities, was founded at the foot of a castle built during the Roman times and also has a rich history that traces the Ottomans in every corner. Many of the most beautiful examples of Ottoman civil architecture was built in Prizren. Within these structures, the Şaip Sipahi mansion, built in 1856, is an important building abandoned to its fate, even if it is a building that has lost its identity today. After being set on fire in Kosovo war in 1999, only the external part of this two-storey mansion, which was abandoned to its fate, was repaired using European Union funds, but all historical sections, decorations were destroyed and the rooms and ceilings were replaced and the Ottoman heritage buildings was tried to be destroyed.
It is aimed to uncover the Şaip Sipahi mansion, which was tried to be identified in Prizren, the Ottoman heritage. This research is expected to shed light on many research and create awareness.
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