

Preschool, autonomy, preschool teacherAbstract
The aim of this study was to determine the autonomy perception of the six-year-old children who attended pre-school education and teachers’ views on the factors affecting autonomy in children and strategies to develop autonomy. The research is a descriptive study in the screening model. Working group of the research, 2016 2017 academic year spring semester in southern Turkey with selected randomly from 110 preschool children and their teacher was composed of. Research data were collected by semi-structured open-ended interview questions prepared by the researchers. Categorical theme analysis technique was used for data analysis. As a result of the study, it was seen that the views of children about the concept of autonomy were grouped under three main categories as behavioral, social-emotional and value autonomy. Teachers' views on the factors affecting the autonomy of children constitute three themes: adult attitudes and behaviors, social environment and physical conditions; The strategies to develop autonomy in children are grouped under five themes: strategies related to social environment, strategies related to physical environment, setting rules, giving responsibility and offering options/to include to decision.
Keywords: Preschool, autonomy, preschool teacher
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