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  • Hikmet ASUTAY Trakya University/TURKEY




Immigrants Literature, Turkish-German Literature, literature-Course, literature education.


In this study, the utility of Turkish-German Immigrants Literature in  literature and culture-oriented course such as literature, country-science, text analysis and so on in philology department related with German  will be analyzed. The Turkish-German Immigrant Literature which contains spesific fifty-year period to Germany and  has a different meaning as concern closely our people who have been there since three generations, is considered important in terms of recent German literature and is accepted as been part of German literature. Therefore, this subject emerges inevitably in German literature, as well as in courses related with German country-science or Culture-science as a course Material even it can be taught as a separate course. Based on this situation, it will be discussed that the evaluation of Turkish-German immigrants literature in terms of education in the context of aforesaid department of university, opinions about strategy in terms of education program will be evaluated, Education of Turkish-German Immigrants Literature will be tried to be expressed. In this context by making references to the artist of Immigrant Literature, the principal course Schedule-recommendations will be evaluated in terms of literature and education of literature, in concept of the work of related artist. During the study it will be tried to take advantage of the recent research in this area and   the data of Turkish-German literature.


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How to Cite

ASUTAY, H. (2018). TURKISH-GERMAN IMMIGRANT LITERATUR AS A CULTURE EDUCATION. JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 3(4), 35–40. https://doi.org/10.26809/joa.2018445553



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