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Art, art exhibition, art education, educative functionAbstract
Exhibiting artworks is one of the main aims of artistic production process and to be an artist.
Therefore; each student who is a visual arts preservice teacher must be educated by acquiring skills
to organize solo and group exhibitions and Exhibitions must be trained in a way that has the ability to
function art exhihibitions with the educative goals. There is no class about preparing an exhibition
and organizing exhibition in the teaching curriculum of the fine arts education departments. The aim
of this research is to investigate if the components of an art exhibition can turn the exhibition into an
educational medium and to determine if it offer a rich art education experience to exhibition visitors.
This research planned with several students of a fine art education department of a university. In this
study, participant students had an opportunity to support their own skills on planning an exhibition
which also had an educational function where the artist was able to present the artistic production
process and artistic concerns. The questionnaire survey that desingned to determine the educational
success of the exhibition also showed that the exhibition turned into a kind of educational medium for
visitors of the exhibition.
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