Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language, Turkish Speaking Skills, Self- Efficacy, ÇOMÜ TÖMERAbstract
One of the main indicators of the effective learning of the language in the process of learning
a foreign language is the learner's speaking skill. There are many physical, cognitive and
psychological factors that influence the development of speech skill. The most important of the
psychological factors is self-efficacy, which is the intrinsic feasibility of one's ability to perform the
behaviors expected of him / her in a particular context. The aim of this research is to determine the
speaking self-efficacy of the students who learn Turkish as a foreign language. In the study, it was
quantitatively and qualitatively examined whether the students' self-efficacy levels differed in terms of
various variables. The sample of the study consisted of 20 students at B1 level students who studied
Turkish as a foreign language at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Turkish and Foreign Language
Research and Application Center in 2016-2017. As a quantitative data collection tool, "Speech Self-
Efficacy Scale", developed by Sallabaş (2013) and validity and reliability study was carried out was
used. For the qualitative data, the open-ended research questions were directed to the students and
the whole universe was reached. The quantitative data collected in the study were analyzed by SPSS
21 statistical package program and the qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. As a result
of the research, it has been determined that the students are above the average of the self-sufficiency
status but not at the desired level due to factors such as vocabulary, lack of linguistic knowledge,
duration, anxiety.
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