Digital media and science communication: The case of Giresun University in the context of perceptions and expectations

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Science, Science Communication, Giresun University


This study aims to systematically examine the attitudes and activities of Giresun University in the context of science communication. The research was conducted through a survey method among individuals aged 15 and over living in Giresun city center. The questionnaire was designed to determine the participants' demographic characteristics, information source preferences, and perceptions about the university. The survey data, which was conducted with 670 participants, were analyzed using SPSS statistical software.

The findings reveal that digital media plays a decisive role in the participants' access to news about the university. In particular, while the rate of access to university-related news by individuals between the ages of 20-24 is at the level of 50%, this rate decreases significantly in individuals aged 40 and over. In addition, significant differences were observed between gender and age groups; male participants had a higher rate of access to news about the university through digital media than female participants.

These findings emphasize the importance of reconsidering Giresun University's public communication strategies and informing young individuals through digital media. The research makes an important contribution to understanding the social effects of science communication and determining the university's role in this context. In conclusion, effective science communication contributes to the informed decision-making processes of society. 


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How to Cite

Bilecen, N. S., Yetkin, B., Çakır Çifter, M., Şimşek Kandemir, A., & Özkan, G. (2024). Digital media and science communication: The case of Giresun University in the context of perceptions and expectations. JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 9(4), 407–418.



Research Articles