A study on the outcomes of the compulsory rotation applied to branch managers working in the provincial organization of the Ministry of National Education on supervisors and education

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Branch Manager, Compulsory Relocation, Rotation, Relocation depending on Regional Service.


With this research, the effects of the compulsory rotation enforced to branch managers from provincial and district managers working in the provincial organization of the Ministry of National Education on administrators and education were revealed and solution suggestions for the problems were emphasized. For this purpose, the effects of branch managers' perceptions of rotation on organizational culture were investigated whether there are significant differences by taking into account demographic characteristics such as length of service/tenure, gender and geographical conditions, especially the provisions of the legislation. Question-based evaluation study consisting of four sections and a total of 40 questions were prepared to examine the perceptions of branch managers regarding rotation as education managers and was applied to 303 branch managers working in provincial and district national education directorates across the country. In the study, data analysis was done with SPSS 24.0 and the frequencies of all questions were calculated. In addition, the average score was also calculated for Likert-type questions. In the study, ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis test, t test and Mann-Whitney U tests were used to compare the level of participation in Likert questions according to demographic variables, and Pearson product moment correlation test was used to determine the relationships between the questions. The reliability of the subscales of the survey questions was analyzed using Cronbach's Alpha values. According to the results of the research, most of the branch managers working in the provinces evaluated the compulsory relocation practice negatively in terms of legislation. The main reason for this is that although the mandatory relocation is included in the regulation, it is only applied to branch managers working in the provinces. In addition, it was observed that there was not a fair distribution of the service regions and service periods used in the practice, that the managers who were excluded from the practice by declaring an excuse or who had priority rights were not welcomed positively by other managers, and that the assignments made to the service regions in line with certain criteria when preferences were taken were negatively received by the branch managers. When the effects of compulsory relocation are analyzed individually, branch managers stated that although they “partially think” that relocation contributed to their personal and cultural development and professional performance, most of them stated that it created an economic burden and negatively affected their family and social lives. When the effects of mandatory relocation are examined from an institutional perspective, branch managers stated that although they agreed that rotation partially contributed positively to the functioning of the institution and increased dynamism, they stated that it would not contribute to the institution “mostly” because they thought that they should work with the same sensitivity everywhere with the responsibility of being a public employee.In this research, the concepts of "compulsory relocation" or "rotation" were used instead of " relocation application depending on regional service ".


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How to Cite

Demir, F., & Arslan, H. (2024). A study on the outcomes of the compulsory rotation applied to branch managers working in the provincial organization of the Ministry of National Education on supervisors and education. JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 9(4), 339–356. https://doi.org/10.26809/joa.2479



Research Articles