Literature, Health, Medicine, Narrative, WritingAbstract
Medicine is a discipline with its own rules and manner of operation. Literature is one
of the dozens of kinds of art. The common point of both fields is that they touch human stories
from within life. Human stories in the field of health are about the processes in which a
person lives,may live or is able to live.
With the definition of medical story, it is narrative whicsh are written by medical
staffs, especially physicians. Medical narratives are fictitious narratives connected with
medical realities, interpreting the health environment from the perspective of a physician or
health care provider. Such is the primary concern of the works in the literary concerns.
The medical narratiation is a field with a limited number of examples in both Turkish
literature and world literature. Due to the diversity of medical education models in recent
years, there is a growing interest in the relationship of medicine with literature and social
Both in terms of medical education and in the context of literary and medical literacy,
“Medical Narratiation” as a product of “quest fo beauty” is a new and distinctive area in
Turkish literature.
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