Prilozi journal, Bosnia, Turkish cultureAbstract
In 1950 notable turcologists of Bosnia such as Branislav Djurdjev, Nedim Filipovic, Hamid
Hadzibegic, Muhamed Mujic ,Hazim Sabanovic, Besim Korkut who worked in Orientalni INSTITUTE
(Oriental Institute) in Sarajevo within the frames of their program started publishing scientific journal
named Prilozi za Orientalnu Filologiju (Contributions to Oriental Philology). First edition was
published in 1950; editions first to seventh were known under the name Prilozi za Orijentalnu
Filologiju i Istoriju Jugoslovenskih Naroda pod Turskom Vladavinom(Contributions to Oriental
Philology and History of Yugoslav Nations under the Turkish Ruling). While starting from the eighth
edition to the present day, editions are known under the name Prilozi za Orijentalnu Filologiju
(Contributions to Oriental Philology). Initially, journal started to be published annually where
afterward it was published irregularly and occasionally once in two years. In the worldwide scientific
researches, journal was mostly given POF ascription. Prilozi za Orijentalnu Filologiju is particularly
active in three areas in accordance to the objective of the foundation of Oriental Institution called
Orijentalni Institut in Sarajevo. Team consist of scientific and experted groups specialized in Arabic,
Turkish and Farsi and with special interest to the parts introducing Bosnian cultural heritage in these
languages striving to contribute to language and literature of Ottoman period with their
miscellaneous articles. These kind of writings are constantly given in the first part called “Philology”
under “Language” and “Literature” titles. This is followed with the part of Bosnia-Herzegovina in
Ottoman period and the history, doctrines, religion and culture of the areas of the period Yugoslavia.
In this part special interest is given to social, political, economic and cultural history of Ottoman
period Bosnia-Herzegovina, researching history of art heritage. It is given place to Ottoman period
diplomacy supported by handwritings and archive files and documents scientifically prepared by
Department of History. These kinds of writings are always given in the second part of the journal
known as “History and Diplomacy”.
Amir Ljubovic ve dğr., Orijentalni Institut u Sarajevu 1950.-2000. - The Institut for Oriental Studies in Sarajevo 1950-2000, Sarajevo 2000, s. 39-172;
Behija Zlatar, "Orijentalni Institut u Sarajevu 1950.-2000.", Orijentalni Institut u Sarajevu 1950.-2000. - The Institut for Oriental Studies in Sarajevo 1950-2000, Sarajevo 2000,s. 9-15; a.mlf., "On the Occasion of Fifty Years of Work of the Oriental Institute in
Sarajevo", Prilozi za Orijentalnu Filologiju, Sarajevo 2002, L, 9-10; Branislav Djurdjev, "Uz Prvi Broj", Prilozi za Orijentalnu Filologiju i Istoriju Jugoslovenskih
Naroda pod Turskom Vladavinom, Sarajevo 1950, I, 5- 6; a.mlf., "Bosna-Hersek", DİA, İstanbul 1992, VI, 304;
Lejla Gazic, "Stradanje Orijentalnog Instituta u Agresiji na Bosnu i Hercegovinu 1992.-1995.", Orijentalni Institut u Sarajevu 1950.-2000. - The Institut for Oriental Studies in
Sarajevo 1950-2000, Sarajevo 2000, s. 25-29;
Sluzbeni List NRBiH, br. 20/50;
Sluzbeni List SRBiH, br. 20/77, 23/67, 20/77, 38/90, 40/85;
Sluzbene Novine Kantona Sarajevo, br. 17/99;
http: //
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