The effect of mindfulness and ego stength on job satisfaction in healthcare organizations
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Mindfulness, Ego Strength, Job Satisfaction, Health OrganizationsAbstract
Healthcare Organizations, which are in the crucible of ruthless complexities, unforgiving pressures and continuous transformation due to service offerings that directly affect human health, are obliged to ensure continuous job satisfaction of their employees and, accordingly, to retain their employees. Considering that the potential problems of employees in health organizations will directly affect the service provided and thus human health, it is necessary to prevent the dissatisfaction problems of human resources related to their jobs. Based on this point, this study aims to determine the effect of mindfulness and ego strength on job satisfaction of healthcare professionals. Within the scope of the research, 456 healthcare professionals working in public and private hospitals in Istanbul were selected as a sample. The data were evaluated by using regression analysis through SPSS 22.00. According to the findings of the study, mindfulness and ego strength increase job satisfaction. This finding reveals that by effectively managing mindfulness interventions in health organizations and determining strategies to increase ego strength, employees with high satisfaction will be positioned in the organization and accordingly, the quality of health services that will directly affect human health will increase.
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