Examination of the social lives of individiuals exposed to violence in adolescence

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Adolescence, Violence, Social Life


Violence, which is defined as all kinds of harmful behavior by the strong against the weak; Unfortunately, it appears in every area of our lives, in every age group. In particular, individuals who are exposed to violence during adolescence, all kinds of negative situations they experience during the development stage cause them to be unable to develop themselves personally and socially. These social features that cannot be developed not only make communication difficult for individuals, but also make them helpless in situations that require them to take action in daily life. In this study; Although it happened in the past, it is aimed to raise awareness against violence by showing how the effects of violence affect the lives of individuals in the future.
In this study, in order to examine the effect of violence on social life, a survey was conducted on 100 people who were found to have been subjected to violence throughout Turkey. According to the results of the survey, the study was evaluated and the findings were examined.


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How to Cite

Cansiz, A. (2023). Examination of the social lives of individiuals exposed to violence in adolescence. JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 8(2), 225–234. https://doi.org/10.26809/joa.2008



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