Investigation of interest levels of pre-school and primary school pre-service teachers in music according to various variables

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Music , Interest in Music , Preschool Education , Classroom Education , Music Education


This research aimed to examine the interest levels of pre-service teachers studying at the Departments of Basic Education, Preschool Education and Primary School Education music. This study, thus, draws on survey method. In the research, the “Music Interest Scale” developed by Okay, Gencel Ataman and Kırtak Ad in 2015 was used to
measure the interest levels of the participant preservice teachers in music. 391 preservice teachers studying at the
Departments of Basic Education, Preschool Education and Primary School Education at the Faculty of Education, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. The obtained data were analyzed using the SPSS 25.0 program, and a “Reliability Analysis” was performed to test the reliability of the scale used thus Cronbach’s Alpha value was calculated
as 0.89. It was found in the study that there was a significant difference in the interest levels of the participant preservice teachers in music according to the grade and gender variables. When the sub-dimensions of the scale were considered, the score taken from “positive attitudes towards playing the instrument” was found to have significantly differed according to grade and gender variables. According to the status of having taken an instrument course before they start their bachelor’s education, the score taken from “positive attitudes towards going to a concert” was found to have differed according to the variables of grade and gender. The score taken from “attitudes towards listening to music” was found to have differed according to the variables of gender, grade and age. The scores taken from “negative attitudes towards going to the concert and playing the instrument” and “attitudes towards singing” were found to have differed according to the gender variable.


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How to Cite

SÖNMEZÖZ, F. (2022). Investigation of interest levels of pre-school and primary school pre-service teachers in music according to various variables. JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 7(4), 199–211.



Research Articles