Examination of value element in landscape analysis
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Basic design, value element, spiritual approach, design, field analysisAbstract
The study is based on the evaluation of a project subject given to designer candidates with the spiritual approaches of the designers. Using the principle of “value”, which is one of the basic design elements of the subject given to them, the designers have developed two different field analysis models (colored and non-coloured) by evaluating the field analysis for the study area with spiritual approaches. The aim of the study is to embody the abstract ideas required from the designers and to approach the field analysis used in the first stage of landscape architecture projects from a different conceptual perspective. In the field analysis approaches discussed in this direction, it has been observed that designers often emulate nature, while it is seen that they can easily transfer their spiritual approaches to design. As a result, it has been seen that the spiritual approach of individuals can be combined with the project design education given in landscape architecture education, and that “imitation of nature and individual originality” can be used together in their designs.
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