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Tourism, Coronavirus, Student, Metaphor, Foreign NationalityAbstract
In this study, the metaphors developed by foreign students studying undergraduate tourism was aimed to the concept of coronavirus are examined. In the study, answers were sought for the questions of which groups can be collected by considering the metaphors used by foreign students to explain the concept of coronavirus and their common features. The sample of the study consists of 87 foreign students studying in Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Tourism Faculty. Semi-structured questionnaire form was used to collect the data. Due to the measures taken as a result of the coronavirus outbreak, a questionnaire was sent to foreign students via e-mail. Research data 22 questionnaires were collected between 30 March 2020 and 4 May 2020. The data obtained as a result of the research was carried out with the help of content analysis, which is one of the qualitative research methods. Most of the participants study in the 2nd and 3rd grades. According to the research findings, the concept of coronavirus was examined in 8 categories. The categories emerged as "Natural Events", "Health", "Thinking About Life", "Education", "Death", "War", "Art" and "Innovation". When the causes of metaphors are examined, it is stated that the world and the country are affected, plans could change suddenly and spread rapidly. In addition, it was stated that health was under threat, helpless people died, death was reminded, freedoms were restricted and people were afraid. On the other hand, it was emphasized that what adds awareness and value to people is a process where the importance of cleanliness, hygiene and patience is understood. The most remarkable result of the research; is that students have not developed any metaphors about tourism. In addition, a common opinion from the participants was not found in the research data.
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