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Ahilik, social responsibility, corporate social responsibility, corporate responsibilityAbstract
The concept of social responsibility is rooted in the Western tradition and became part of our agenda. Especially the 1960s and the following period were the years when the voices of the civilian movements were heard in higher tones. The pressure that was put by civil society on governments and business was resulted increased social responsibility awareness among all actors. Corporate responsibility, including social responsibility, is about integrating ethical, social, and environmental concerns to business operations.
Ahilik emerged from Anatolia with social/military/economic functions. Even though it lost its military functions as the Ottoman Empire arose, Ahilik assumed responsibility for the continuity of social unity for centuries, implemented a foundation for business ethics, and played role in meeting the needs of society. In this study, the advantages of revising Ahilik as part of our historical culture and heritage is discussed for raising awareness of corporate responsibility.
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Web sayfaları:
URL-1: The Rockefeller Archive Center – JDR Sr. Biographical Sketch, (Çevrimiçi) , 26 Mart 2008.
URL-2: UNDP Türkiye, Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Hedefleri, , 1 Aralık 2019.
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