Consumer, Consumer Behavior, Online Shopping, GökçeadaAbstract
The internet, which is rapidly spreading due to technological developments in the world, has been showing its influence recently in online shopping as well. Consumers who want to benefit from the many opportunities that online shopping provides, leaving traditional markets and trending online shopping. This study was carried out to determine the factors affecting the online shopping processes of consumers living in Gökçeada and to determine consumer opinions affecting these factors. The research was conducted as a face-to-face survey of 361 consumers living in Gökçeada. The questionnaires were analyzed by SPSS statistical package program. As a result of the research, 5% of Gökçeada population is not connected to the internet, while 95% is measured as general purpose and various purposes internet usage. While 47% of the consumers in Gökçeada stated that they have online consumption habits, they purchase various goods and services over the internet, 53% of the population do not shop online. Additionally, while 47% of the residents of Gökçeada prefer online shopping because of shopping opportunities in Gökçeada are limited, Among the reasons for not shopping, the first order is people do not want to share their identity information with 40%..
Jel Codes: D10, D11, D12
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