The importance of logistics villages and centers in achieving sustainable development goals

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Transportation and Utilities, Sustainable Development, Logistics Villages


Factors such as global warming and climate change profoundly impact natural ecosystems and human communities, increasing the quest for sustainable and innovative solutions. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), established by the United Nations in 2015, aim to achieve environmental, social, and economic balance. Logistics villages and centers enhance the efficiency of supply chains by optimizing the transportation, storage, and distribution of goods and services. These structures contribute to economic development, supporting SDGs 1, 9, and 17; reduce food waste, supporting SDG 2; improve healthcare services, supporting SDG 3; and promote gender equality, supporting SDGs 5, 10, and 16. Additionally, they encourage responsible consumption and production, supporting SDGs 12 and 13, and assist in the preservation of ecosystems, supporting SDGs 14 and 15. Thus, logistics villages and centers play a crucial role in achieving sustainable development goals, providing significant contributions in economic, environmental, and social dimensions, and enabling the construction of a more sustainable and prosperous world.


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How to Cite

Kaya, M., & Dışkaya, S. (2024). The importance of logistics villages and centers in achieving sustainable development goals. JOURNAL OF LIFE ECONOMICS, 11(3), 115–124.



Research Articles