The effect of digitalisation level on digital banking practices in the banking sector

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Digitalization, Digital Banking, Digital World


The banking sector is constantly developing and changing. This sector, where different changes continue every day, also introduces many innovations on digitalisation by combining with developing technologies. It is aimed to measure the level of knowledge of individuals in Turkey on this subject and the level of use of digitalised bank innovations.  The study will be aimed at contributing to the banking sector by revealing the innovations developed in digital transformation in this field. The aim of the study is to explain the importance of digitalisation in the banking sector thanks to today's rapidly changing technology. After examining the innovations of digital banking in Turkey and revealing the current situation, it is tried to investigate the effect of digitalisation on customers. It is one of the pioneering studies in terms of identifying digitalised banks among the studies conducted in Turkey. The quantitative research was carried out in an online environment and is limited to people who have access to the internet and use computers or smart mobile phones. The quantitative research is limited to the "Level of Knowledge and Degree of Trust Questionnaire Form".

In the study, the use of digital banking in Turkey was analysed according to the average age, gender and educational status of individuals. The independent variable is the use of digital banking. The dependent variable is the difference in usage rates according to the average age, gender and educational status of individuals in Turkey. 301 people were surveyed and the level of digital banking usage of individuals in terms of age, gender, education, etc. was analysed. Individuals use mobile banking application as the majority. Considering the bank preferences, the intensity of use of Ziraat and Garanti banks is high. At the end of the findings, individuals have carried out many transactions such as money transfers, payments, etc. through digital banks. The rate of using bank applications for 4-7 years is increasing even more. Individuals have concentrated on digital banking in this band of years. When using bank applications, they want them to perform their transactions safely. The ease of use increases the preference for digital banking. Considering the frequency of use, almost 45.5% use it every day. These transactions are mostly preferred in the afternoon. 95% recommenthe applications they use to others.80.4% of individuals think that new career planning will be made with new changes in the banking sector. 82.4% of individuals think that digital banking will not bring new workload. 86.5% of individuals have sufficient training on digital banking. 87.9% of individuals think that there will be competition between banks. 89.33% of the individuals think that new professional groups will be formed. In this case, new models will emerge. The issue of trust is fully instilled.


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How to Cite

Bilcan, T., & Dilbaz Alacahan, N. (2024). The effect of digitalisation level on digital banking practices in the banking sector. JOURNAL OF LIFE ECONOMICS, 11(1), 31–46.



Research Articles