Toxic Leadership, Organizational Cynicism, Employee SilenceAbstract
Today's organizations need skilled employees for survive, develop and compete. Because investment in human capital, which is the most important factor for organizations, plays a key role. Therefore, organization success highly rely on the success of managers and employees. It is great importance for the success of an organization in which managers pay attention to the opinions and suggestions of employees and ensure their participation in decisions making. Otherwise, organizations can face with inefficiency, poor performance and employee dissatisfaction and silence.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of toxic leadership behaviors on organizational cynicism and employee silence in public sectors and to determine the relationship between these concepts. In accordance with this purpose; A questionnaire consisting of personal information form, toxic leadership scale, organizational cynicism and employee silence scale was applied to public sector employees in Istanbul (Anatolian side). The data obtained via the survey method were evaluated by factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. As a result of the research, it has been accepted that there are significant relationships between toxic leadership, functioning silence and organizational cynicism. At this point, it has been shown that toxic leadership behaviors have significant effects on organizational cynicism and employee silence in order to be successful organization and recent studies has shown that these concepts have become the focus of interest of researchers. In addition, these concepts can constitute a serious obstacle to success factor in organizations.
JEL Codes: M54, D23 ,l2
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