The role of agile leadership in the effect of VUCA exposure on organisational innovation: The case of technoparks

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Technopark, VUCA, Agile Leadership, Organisational Innovation


Technoparks are structures that aim to strengthen countries in scientific, technological and financial terms and systematically combine the existing opportunities of industry and universities. In Technoparks, innovation studies are carried out in relation to the production of goods and services, which can be used by different sectors, which include the improvement of production processes and the development of new products. The concept of innovation, which is at the focal point of technoparks, is important not only for technoparks but also for all enterprises to ensure sustainable competitive advantage. In addition to their innovative approaches in terms of production, enterprises proceed by putting the concept of innovation at the centre of all strategies of the organisation. In this context, the importance of examining the factors related to organisational innovation, which covers all the innovations and developments that occur in the hierarchical structure and order of the enterprise, and developing policies related to these factors emerges. In the study prepared in the light of this information, it is aimed to determine the moderating role of agile leadership in the effect of VUCA exposure of employees in technopark enterprises on organisational innovation. Within the scope of the research, a data collection tool consisting of Demographic Information Form, Perception of Agile Leadership Skills in VUCA Environment Scale, Perceived VUCA Exposure Scale and Organisational Innovation Scale was applied to 218 participants working in technoparks across Turkey. The research data were analysed with SPSS 26.00 and Smart PLS 4 using structural equation modelling within the framework of partial least squares method.
According to the findings obtained from the research, the VUCA factors of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity reduce employees’ perceptions of organisational innovation. However, agile leadership skills increase employees’ perception levels of organisational innovation.

According to the moderating role analysis results, agile leadership plays a moderating role in the effect of employees’ VUCA exposure on organisational innovation. Accordingly, the negative effect of VUCA exposure on organisational innovation decreases within the framework of the regulatory role of agile leadership skills. In order to reduce the negative effects of VUCA exposure on employees, it is recommended to strengthen the agile leadership structure. Embedding these agile practices into the organisational fabric through structural and cultural changes can make innovation sustainable.


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How to Cite

Topkar, U. (2024). The role of agile leadership in the effect of VUCA exposure on organisational innovation: The case of technoparks. HOLISTIC ECONOMICS, 3(1), 1–20.


