Determination of Industry 4.0 Critical Success Factors: Implementation on GOSB Technopark Companies
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Industry 4.0, Success Factors, Focus Group Discussion, TechnoparkAbstract
Industrial revolutions, which started in the 18th century, affected the structure of production, country economies and societies. Although it has just entered our lives, Industry 4.0 is very important for the competitiveness of countries in today's environment where information is spreading rapidly. However, in the literature review, it has been determined that there are limited studies on what the critical success factors of Industry 4.0, which plays such an important role in the competition of countries, could be. Within the scope of this study, research was carried out on GOSB Technopark Firms with the focus group study method on critical success factors in the Industry 4.0 process, and the road map was presented by stating the steps to be taken at both the enterprises and the state level.
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