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Page Layout, Graphic, Design, Message, Communication


The effectiveness of a publication is directly dependent on its nature, content, the typeface used, its images, the printing technique, the preferred paper feature. For this purpose, the page designer has to design and use the correct design with the help of the graphic layout and visual design. A page design will ensure that the reader is affected more.

  Page design; Since the beginning of the design, it is the beginning of the communication in digital media, primarily in printed areas, and then in the Internet. Therefore, no matter what we are preparing for the field, column width in the page plan, font selection, point size, line spacing, visual elements, etc. The elements have an important role both in terms of the design in terms of the blotty value and the transmission of the message.

In the first part of this research on page design, the method of introduction and research, the second part of the design of the page design, the third part the function of the page design, in the fourth part the areas and tools in which the design is used, and the fifth chapter in the last chapter.


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How to Cite

ÇUBUKCU, G., & DOĞAN, İsmail. (2019). WHAT IS PAGE DESIGN?. JOURNAL OF ARTS, 2(2), 95–112. https://doi.org/10.31566/arts.2.007



Research Article