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Textile, floor coverings, printing, dyeing, technicAbstract
The first examples of the art of printing that began with the first painting experiences of humanity are the paintings and tattoos made on human bodies. Textiles used for life in time such as developing societies / individuals; aesthetic concern developed, artistic qualities began to be seen.
In Anatolia, which has a rich and deep-rooted history in traditional arts, there is an important place in the area with the original examples of printing. Folk art, block printing, developed and gave the best examples, in between 16. -18. the centuries, in Istanbul, Tokat, Kastamonu, Mardin, Hatay, Gaziantep and Izmir, it also has a commercial value. The fabrics, which were made with wooden prints, were first used in headscarves and block printings.
It has carried onto daily items such as pillow cases, duvet cases, table spreads, bohça ( a traditional pieceof cloth that is used to carry items) napkins or floor coverings. We can see block printing examples in çeyiz pieces (a group of special embroidered fabrics for brides’parents to prepare for her marriage) and as a daily item in Palace where emperor and his family lives.
The techniques used in the traditional handicrafts, original motifs, colors, patterns, placement patterns reveal the differences in use in local and regional. It can be said that handicrafts enriched with these elements have a unique structure when they are interpreted in terms of aesthetics and plastic values.
Developing society and changing technology are constantly changing the application and display methods of art and adapting it to the present day. This change, which forms a dynamic structure, allows the formation of different structures and surfaces.
In this study, it is studied that the usage areas of different types of printing and dyeing techniques are used in the scope of technological developments, which are fed and changed from traditional to widespread.
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