Fashion, Art, Cubism, Fashion HistoryAbstract
The social revolution and technological developments that have taken place with the industrial revolution that the foundations of today's philosophical, scientific sociological approaches have taken place have caused a change in aesthetic understanding. With the change of aesthetic understanding, the understanding of art has also changed. The end of the 19th century is the period of "Fashion" and "Modern Art".
The purpose of this research; Cubism, one of the artistic trends, is trying to explain with examples the effects of the 1900s, from the beginning of the effects of the art flow to the day-to-day fashion.
Research is a qualitative research. Documentary screening method was used as data collection technique. Obtained findings were supported by visuals. As a result of the research, it has been revealed how fashion is influenced by cubism art movement.
Keywords: Fashion, Art, Cubism, Fashion History
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